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Hi, There!

I’m Jaouad Ben Saida.

My name is Jaouad Ben Saida and I am a Swiss artist native of Casablanca (Morocco).

I have been introduced to art painting at an early age since one of my siblings was a painter himself. I remember very well those little drawings I used to show my brother in attempt to gather a few words of encouragement. Despite this early interest in painting, I didn’t embrace a career as an artist yet.

Nevertheless, I tried to keep it alive as much as possible by deepening my knowledge in various art fields.

Artist Statement

I developed a particular attachment to Abstract Painting and Arabic calligraphy. Indeed, Arabic calligraphy had a great influence on my art. My first contact with color pigments, ink preparation, the writing instrument the “qalam” (pruned reed for Arabic writing) and even drawing papers, were founding elements of my artistic profile.

My Interest in Abstract Painting really started in the 80s but took a major position in my work from 2005. I was seduced by the idea of breaking with the traditional conception of art as an imitation of nature. I preferred more artistic representation of shapes and colors being representative of themselves.

My current Goal

I organized some exhibitions in Switzerland as an “amateur” artist. By now, I am fully devoted to my passion and aspire to spread my work to a wider audience. You can discover through this gallery.

My personnal touch

Today, my artwork focuses mainly on Abstract Painting (acrylic and sometime with oil) and Arabic Calligraphy. I can mix those two technics when I find that a few words are in harmony with the context of an artwork piece.

I offer astonishing paintings, both colorful, abstract and deep, which I create using different, sometimes daring techniques by mixing colors from several sources:

– Ink

– Acrylic

– Powdered pigments

– Sand

-Fossilized objects

My daily inspiration: The contrast of colors in nature, in handicrafts.

My paintings inspire other artists
